
Responsive Web Design

Learn the fundamental skills of web development, including HTML/CSS and basic JavaScript, through the free online learning platform, FreeCodeCamp.
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     I was always interested in web development, but didn't know where to start until I discovered freecodecamp, a free online platform that provides courses in programming languages and web development tools.

     This course is perfect for beginners who wish to learn the fundamental skills required to create responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It covers HTML and CSS basics, such as page structure, CSS styling, and creating responsive layouts, before progressing to the basics of JavaScript, including variables, data types, functions, and simple DOM manipulation. Upon completing the course, students will possess a sound understanding of creating responsive websites and will be equipped to explore advanced web development subjects.


Web Developer

Web Designer






3 Months

(Aug - Oct 2021)


     As a self-taught web developer, I will share my journey of mastering the fundamentals of web development and building responsive websites in a concise and minimal style.

     Challenge : Overcoming the complexity of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as a beginner was a daunting task. However, I persisted and found useful resources like to aid my learning.


     With persistence and patience, I gained valuable problem-solving skills and the ability to think logically about web development.

     Approach : I began by building static web pages with HTML and CSS, then progressed to JavaScript to implement dynamic functionality. Eventually, I honed my skills in building responsive websites and completed five projects to test my proficiency.

Responsive Website Project

Outcomes & Key Takeaways

     Today, I am confident in my ability to transform my ideas into real websites, and I have a passion for web development that continues to grow.

     Conclusion : My journey of learning web development has been an exciting and fulfilling experience, and I hope to inspire others to explore this field and find their passion for it as well.


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